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5303 Applying Ed Tech: ePortfolios Compilation Post

John Dewey said, "We do not learn through experience. We learn from REFLECTING on the experience." This is what ADL 5303 has allowed our class to do. In class discussions, online and in virtual class, we considered our audience and Who's ePortfolio is it, anyway? We also explored the difference in not just collecting the dots, but Connecting the Dots with our ePortfolios. Finally, we were able to explore additional ideas, formats, and platforms while revamping our ePortfolios.

In reflecting on how these experiences in 5303 will benefit my Innovation Plan, three main questions come to mind:

1. Am I creating an ePortfolio that is clear and easy to navigate?

2. Can I easily update posts, projects, and pages as time goes on?

3. Is this work authentic or does it feel forced or restricted?

One way to answer these questions, was to be vulnerable and allow others to share their thoughts and experiences while exploring my site. Our class quickly started expecting & accepting feedforward while we worked to Create a Culture of Helpfulness & Growth Mindset. While feedback has been very positive from classmates, I know it is important to participate in growth opportunitites and approach it from a Learner's Mindset when possible.

This all fits hand in hand with my Learning Manifesto. In keeping with the reflection theme of this post, it's nice to see a bit of a manifestation since the initial writing. At that time, I was a Senior contributor to the Professional Learning Team (PLT). I've since accepted a new position as Director of Educator and Family Partnerships. Just last week, I met with our Executive VP of Program Success, VP of Professional Learning, and 2 other Directors for our Orientation and Leadership retreat in Miami, FL. At the end of Day 1, I found my ADL and PLT lives colliding in a very cool way when we wrapped up the day by watching the Simon Sinek (2009) TedTalk and reflecting on how and why it rings true in our workplace, today. I have never been more prepared to speak on a topic and unapologetically shared many of the points I'd shared in my manifesto. Thank you, ADL program!

My contribution to learning communities has been mainly via my support/accountability group. Our group first formed in August 2023, as we dipped our toes into initial ePortfolios and explored the power of mindsets. I felt our confidence grow in this 2nd session. We are very comfortable with the flow of our classes and meetings and understand Blackboard features in a more assured way. We collaborate in both a GroupMe group and this shared Google file. Our group met weekly prior to our Monday class or Wednesdays after class, depending on schedules and availability for each week. In addition, I got to meet groupmate, Shaneigh Smith, at her office when working in her district. I'm excited to see her again on Monday, 11/27, when we are presenting in neighboring classrooms as part of a district-wide PD event! Beyond my small group, I am a member of the Fall 2023 ADL Facebook Group and have had a chance to share pieces of my MEd journey with members of my direct team and leadership team at work.

TEDx Talks. (2009, September 29). Start with why -- how great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek | TEDxPugetSound [Video]. YouTube.

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