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Perfect Timing & Crucial Conversations

I'm grateful for my years in education and other professions where I've been able to learn from different leadership styles. In some cases, I learned what good leadership looks like and also learned what it shouldn't be. I am especially drawn to the points made in the summary of Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson (Callibrain, 2015). 

I have over 14 years of project management experience, which is very different from people management, which I've just jumped into this past year. I was initially worried that becoming a Director for my peers would be difficult, but it has proven to be an asset. My team knows I am coming from a place of mutual respect and understanding when we have touchy situations. I do not enjoy confrontation and fortunately, my team is mostly coachable and approachable. The two biggest points from Crucial Conversations (Patterson et al., 2011) for me are to Start with Heart and Make it Safe. 

This book comes at the perfect time, as a have a new member of my team that is proving to be a bit reluctant to traveling and supporting assigned partners. I want to respect her needs, while also, staying true to our team and organization's goals. We have 1:1 conversations via Zoom each week and there has been little significant change. It had gotten to a point where I'd written up a PIP (personal improvement plan) as a "just in case." We had the opportunity to work together last week and had a great conversation after dinner one evening. She shared some details with me that hadn't previously been disclosed and helped me see her needs in a different light. Having this crucial conversation has moved us in a better direction and the PIP is on the backburner as we work through some new options to help her reach her, and the organization's, goals. 

Callibrain. (2015, August 20). Video Review for Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson [Video]. YouTube.

Patterson, K., Grenny, J., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2011). Crucial Conversations Tools for talking When Stakes are High, Second edition. McGraw Hill Professional.

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