"The very first time you are trying to get your brain around a new concept, the very last thing you need is another human being saying, 'Do you understand this?' " - Sal Khan
I work for an educational software not-for-profit. We evaluate data with educators after students have been in the program for a few weeks and then a few months...typical progress monitoring in a PK-2nd grade setting. Most of the time, data matches what teachers see in the classroom. Sometimes, however, teachers are surprised at how well a student has done on their computer program. We can contribute this to students having less pressure when they are working independently, at their own pace, and with their headphones on. There is no outside pressure or self-consciousness to get in the way. This particular phrase from Sal Khan (2011) really resonated with me.
My job is in professional learning for educators and families. We check for understanding and ask questions along the way, but most of the time the questions come once teachers are back in their classroom having to apply what we talked about during training. It's at that point that I need to remind the teachers of certain steps or resources, being mindful of their time constraints. I have found a quick Zoom video usually does the trick. I also really like Scribe for creating step-by-step documents that include screen grabs...not just general videos or screen captures, but individualized so that the info has a more personal feel.
Khan, S. (2011). Let's use video to reinvent education [Video]. TED Talks. https://www.ted.com/talks/salman_khan_let_s_use_video_to_reinvent_education?language=en#t-149503