The younger me didn't ask for help. Younger me spent hours trying to figuring things out, so I wouldn't be judged by...who? Colleagues? Peers? Supervisors? Somewhere along the way, I learned that we are all in this together and many helping hands and minds are so much better than going it alone.
Current me understands and embraces that we all have varied background knowledge and experiences and no one judges when you just haven't had the life experience to know all the things. Most people are more than happy to help when and where they can.
In this class, my peers are primarily educators who were thrown into the online learning world and all the LMS portals during the 2020 Pandemic Pivot. While my organization supported schools, I was not directly supporting students by designing and delivering online classes. This assignment was one in which I had to lean into the vast experience of my classmates every step of the way. They've been here and done this for several years now and have experience with various LMS programs. I started by signing up for the Free for Teacher Canvas account and then relied heavily on my classmates and YouTube to help me with the execution.
I also leaned into what I do know. I know how to support educators. I know what learning modalities are best received. I know restrictions on time, money, and availability of substitute teachers hinder strong and ongoing Professional Learning. I know that one-and-done PL will sink an implementation and if we don't inspect what we expect, accountability and fidelity might as well be the Titanic.
Along with all this reflection, I'm excited to present the first draft and initial stages of "Using Waterford Data to Inform Instruction" in a fully virtual format. School districts are having to cut expenditures and this class would make a strong alternative option to onsite PL events. I'd ultimatley like to build this course with's C&I and Professional Learning teams. I would then take it to marketing and ultimately the sales team to make it available to school districts. The PL team and Partner Success teams at Waterford would then be charged with communicating, scheduling, and delivering the 7 modules to teachers.
This Professional Learning consultant-led class will be fully online with knowledge-based outcomes expected for teachers. It's designed to be used after a Getting Started session has occured and students have started working in the Waterford software. This allows teachers to review true and authentic data vs. example reports on powerpoint slides.
I narrate my video from the position of sharing with my students how to navigate the pertinent pieces of our online course. Click below to learn how Waterford's Professional Learning team will help educators make the most of our data-driven programs.